Último Segundo (23/01/2009)
- Caio Binder: Obama entra no círculo vicioso do Oriente Médio
Notae Zuinglii (Dr Jim West)
Newsweek (24/01/2009)
By Rod Nordland
Israel has never been more isolated. Its best friend, the United States, had vetoed 41 Security Council resolutions condemning Israel in the past three decades, but was about to vote for the Jan. 8 resolution denouncing the attack on Gaza when President Bush intervened, at the behest of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Still, in the face of unprecedented global criticism, the
The one region where
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- Informe FIERJ (Jornalista José Roitberg, RJ)
- Jornal Alef (Jornalista Mauro Wainstock, RJ)
- Na mira do Hamas (André Hamer - Beer Sheva, Negev, Israel)
- Notícias da Rua Judaica (Jornalista Osias Wurman, RJ)
- Pletz.com (Gustavo Erlichman, SP)
- Reinaldo Azevedo (Jornalista - Abril / Veja, SP)
- Vítimas de Gaza (Sergio Rosenboim)
Comunidade na TV (FIERJ)
- O Outro Lado da Guerra 2 (CTV 1237 – 18/01/2009)
- Video clip sobre o Exercito de Israel (CTV 1237 – 18/01/2009)
- Ajuda Humanitaria (CTV 1237 – 18/01/2009)
- Giora Becher – Embaixador de Israel no Brasil (CTV 1237 – 18/01/2009)
- Lea Lozinsky (CTV 1237 – 18/01/2009)
- O Outro Lado da Guerra 1 (CTV 1236 – 11/01/2009)
- Osias Wurman (CTV 1236 – 11/01/2009)
- e-Israel (CTV 1236 – 11/01/2009)
- Lea Losinsky (CTV 1236 – 11/01/2009)
Israel x Gaza x Oriente Médio (191) .... Open Letter from American Jews
Israel x Gaza x Oriente Médio (188) .... Links de interesse
Israel x Gaza x Oriente Médio (187) .... Israel e ANP elogiam escolha de enviado especial dos EUA
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