Terrorism Awareness Project: On September 11th 2001
Their murderers were a cadre of Islamic terrorists who were part of a vast global network of religious fanatics who have declared Holy War on the United States and the West and, as part of their Jihad, pronounced a death sentence on every man, woman and child living in our borders. With the potential for mass destruction made possible with modern technology, this Jihad confronts us with a threat our civilization has never before known.
This threat did not begin with 9/11. The 1990’s were marked by a series of Islamic terror attacks against the United States. The response of our elected officials was mainly passive in the face of these attacks. Missiles were launched into Afghanistan and Iraq by the Clinton Administration but to little effect and not as part of a sustained response. Neither the American public nor our military forces on the ground were mobilized or engaged. Our government remained inert as the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole were bombed. The threat grew; terrorists were trained, deployed and then organized into cells that stretched across Europe and the United States. The result was a catastrophic attack on the very same building, the World Trade Center, that had been attacked by the jihadis eight years earlier in 1993.
- YouTube - TerrorismAwareness's Channel
- Vídeo: What Really Happened In The Middle East - Terrorism Awareness Project
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